The Ultimate Content Creator Bundle
All the top content creator resources in one bundle!
Impressing your friends and family with BEAUTIFUL images you've shot and edited yourself
Knowing how to edit photos like a pro + how to get the best out of "Lightroom Presets"
Saving money on expensive and unnecessary photography equipment with budget friendly lighting and background hacks
Saving time and money by accessing the roadmap to creating better content, faster Instagram growth + the tools to reach your goals.
Welcome to the ultimate content creator bundle
Collaborate with the brands you love...
E-book: Product Photography 101
Download the Presets
Instructions for download
How to edit using Lightroom (mobile)
How to use Lightroom Presets when editing (mobile)
How to add other doodles/stickers/effects to your images
My favourite 8 editing apps/tools
Other tools to help you - (video from The Art of Instagram)
My top 8 editing apps/tools
The bundle is the PERFECT next step if you have my presets. Not only does it include all the resources to help you take your content to the next level but it takes you through how to get the best out of the presets.
The resources in this bundle include information for beginners and advanced content creators. You don't need any fancy equipment or pre-existing photography skills to get the most out of it.
The best thing about a bundle? You can work through it at your own pace. Pick and choose the resources most relevant to you and do them first! The presets are downloadable, the videos are pausa-able, the e-books are evergreen! Think of this like your content resource library you can come back to when you have a question.
I take no responsibility for this...